Global Method for Synchronous Printing
If you are writing APEX code to create shipments then you can also now synchronously send the labels to be printed.
If you are writing APEX code to create shipments then you can also now synchronously send the labels to be printed.
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Here are the next steps:
Have you followed our guide for printing setup on Windows and Mac?
Here are the guides for setting up your preferences with
Have a look at some of our Custom Address Source guides for each of the apps
Remember to create a NEW lookup from the shipment object to your custom or standard object first to then associate with your Custom Address Source.
If your users can’t access the app, or are unable to input text into fields of the Wizard then its most probably a permissions issue.
Finally make sure they have a licence to use the app!
The three most common way to fulfill orders using Salesforce are as follows:
Our domestic and international guides will explain how the shipping wizard works.
Create shipments when the Order object is created or changes e.g. an order is approved Process Builder Docs
Want to bulk ship and print order? Checkout our ship from a list view docs
Here are the docs (remember to create a lookup field first):
The three most popular integrates are listed below:
There are 10+ other integrations documented here
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Our team are here to help! Book a meeting with one our sales team below!