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Set up CPQ Rating

This guide will explain how to set up rating for Salesforce CPQ. There are two ways you can set up rating for CPQ: 

  1. Process Builder using our Invocable 'Get Rate' method
  2. Lightning 'Get Quote' Button

1. Process Builder using our Invocable 'Get Rate' method

Our invocable method allows you to generate a quote from any object that you have set up a Custom Address Source for using Process Builder. If you haven't set up a Custom Address Source then please follow this guide that explains how to do so.

In terms of CPQ, to begin you would want to create a lookup relationship from Step 1, in this guide, to the CPQ 'Quote' object. However, you want to set up this lookup relationship to the CPQ 'Quote' object if your CPQ 'Quote Line Items' will ship to ONLY one location. If the CPQ 'Quote Line Items' ship to different locations, you'll want to create the lookup relationship to the CPQ 'Quote Line Group' object: 

That way, you can define 'Quote Line Groups' that will ship to different addresses, but with the correct corresponding 'Quote Line Items': 

Once you have the lookup relationship sorted, you can move forward this this guide, which explains how to set up quoting using a process builder: https://zenkraft.com/docs/multi/shipment-quotes

2. Lightning 'Get Quote' Button

Setting up the Lightning 'Get Quote' button is very easy. It requires the same steps to create the correct lookup relationship and custom address from Step 1 above, but doesn't require a process builder to trigger a quote -- it's a simple button:

Once you have your Custom Address Source setup (using Step 1 of this guide), simply edit the Page Layout, and drag the Custom Lightning Button onto your page.

The make sure you add the Salesforce ID of the Custom Address Source you have set up for getting the rates. To get the Salesforce ID of your Custom Address Source you can find this by looking at the URL as below:

Once its all set up, test it and you should see this modal that shows you the rates.


To output the rate selected back onto your original object, don't forget to set this section in the Custom Address Source.

If you have negotiated rates (only available with certain carriers), then these will also show up.
