
Post Purchase Shipment Tracking

Bring your customers back to your site for real-time shipment tracking

Schedule a Tracking Demo 45 minutes
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Track Shipments on your site

Real-time tracking

Zenkraft calls the carrier as soon as the page loads. This means there is never a discrepancy between the carrier website and your site.

Offer in-flight options

When supported by the carrier, offer in-flight changes including delivery to neighbor, safe place or reschedule for another day.


100% Salesforce Native

Same Domain

Keep customers on your site with your domain, brand and security.

Same Technology

The Zenkraft cartridge(s) are built using SFRA and SiteGenesis.

Salesforce Certified

The Zenkraft cartridge(s) are certified annually to ensure compliance.


Reduce “Where is my Order?” enquiries

Proactive Notifications

Shipping notifications get the highest engagement out of any type of transactional email. Automatically trigger them when an item is shipped, in transit, out for delivery, delayed and delivered.

Marketing Cloud Integration

Trigger emails from Marketing Cloud (or your own email tool) to keep suppressions, reporting and compliance centralized.


Increase upsells with Einstein

Content Slots

The Zenkraft tracking page includes content slots to embed your own dynamic content. You can add more if you wish too.

Einstein Recommendations

Use Content slots to include Einstein Product Recommendations to turn “Where is my order?” enquiries into cross-sell opportunities!


Order Management & Service Cloud

Order Management

Sync shipment tracking with the Order Summary / Fulfillment Order objects inside Order Management. Shipments are updated automatically so your reps can get a 360 degree view of the order.

Service Cloud

Synchronous shipment tracking data with order data in Service Cloud to ensure reps get a 360 degree view of the Order.

130+ Carriers Supported

Zenkraft supports the global consolidators, local postal providers, regional providers as well as some freight services. We are adding 1 new carrier per week.

What is the Value of Zenkraft?

Automate Manual Tasks

Reduce time to ship, quote, return and track from minutes to seconds. Stop tabbing between applications and copying and pasting data!

Complete Customer 360

See when orders are being delivered and returned alongside your customer data. Updated in real-time directly from 130+ carriers.

Acquire Zero Technical Debt

Building integrations, maintaining them and then the person who managed that integration left. Sound familiar?

Quick to Implement

Zenkraft is 100% native, using the same technology as Salesforce. This means your Salesforce Admin will easily understand how Zenkraft works.

Next Steps?

Schedule a demo with a product specialist

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